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This mushroom originates from Brazil, commonly known as “Sun mushroom” or Mushroom of the Gods”.

Agaricus was used for the prevention of cancer, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, hepatitis and emotional stress.

Agaricus promotes natural responses within the body that may decrease and prevent mutated cell creation and growth. It may be effective in enhancing the effect of cancer treatments.

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Agaricus Blazei Extract quantity = 60 capsules

Agaricus Blazei Mushroom capsules

  • Immunity: Supports weak immune system

    Immuno-modulator – modulates Blood pressure, Cholesterol and blood sugar

    Enhances overall vitality and longevity

    Supports the liver – hepatitis and cirrhosis

    Anti-tumour and anti-viral


    May benefit Osteoporosis


    Contains more beta glucans than any other medicinal mushroom.

    Among some of its benefits are: Anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-tumour.

    May slow the growth of tumours, Inhibits the growth of tumour and enhances immune response.

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