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Celtic Druidism


Updated: Sep 3, 2023

Druidism is a spiritual and religious practice that originated in ancient Celtic culture. The Druids were the intellectual and spiritual leaders of the Celtic people, who got their name from being able to communicate with the Dryad Tree Spirits, and they played a significant role in their society. They were responsible for preserving the oral traditions, laws, and customs of the Celts, as well as serving as judges, healers, and advisors to the community.

Druidism is a nature-based religion that emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the natural world. It is a polytheistic religion that recognizes many gods and goddesses, each associated with different aspects of nature. Some of the gods and goddesses worshipped by Druids include:

  • Cernunnos: The god of fertility, animals, wealth, and the underworld.

  • Brigid: The goddess of fire, poetry, healing, childbirth, and unity.

  • Lugh: The god of light, arts, crafts, skills, oaths, and the law.

  • Danu: The mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

  • Morrigan: The goddess of war, fate, death, and transformation.

The practice of Druidism was suppressed by the Roman Empire in the 1st century AD, and much of its knowledge was lost. However, there has been a revival of interest in Druidism since the 18th century. Modern Druid groups draw on surviving historical records of the ancient Druids as well as other sources to create their own unique practices and beliefs.

Some modern Druid organizations include:

  • The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids (OBOD): Founded in 1964 by Ross Nichols in England. It is one of the largest Druid organizations in the world.

  • The Ancient Order of Druids (AOD): Founded in 1781 in London. It is one of the oldest Druid organizations in existence.

  • The British Druid Order (BDO): Founded in 1979 by Philip Shallcrass. It is a modern order that draws on ancient British traditions.

  • The Henge of Keltria: Founded in 1985 by Tony Taylor. It is an American organization that focuses on Celtic shamanism.

Please note that while there is limited historical information about Druidism, modern Druid groups have created their own unique practices and beliefs.

Becoming a Druid involves a deep commitment to the study of Druidry and the practice of its principles. There are many different paths to becoming a Druid, and the process can vary depending on the individual and the organization they choose to study with.

One way to become a Druid is to join a Druid organization such as The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids (OBOD), The Ancient Order of Druids (AOD), The British Druid Order (BDO), or The Henge of Keltria . These organizations offer courses and training programs that cover various aspects of Druidry, including history, mythology, philosophy, and spiritual practice.

Another way to become a Druid is to study independently. There are many books and online resources available that cover different aspects of Druidry. Some recommended books include “The Druidry Handbook” by John Michael Greer, “The Path of Druidry” by Penny Billington, and “The Book of Celtic Magic” by Kristoffer Hughes .

Regardless of the path you choose, becoming a Druid requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to learn. It is important to approach the study of Druidry with an open mind and a deep respect for its traditions and practices.

Druidic practices vary depending on the individual and the organization they choose to study with. However, some common Druidic practices include:

· Meditation: Meditation is a practice that involves training the mind to focus and achieve a state of calmness and relaxation. It is often used in Druidry as a way to connect with nature and the spiritual world.

· Rituals: Rituals are an important part of Druidic practice. They are used to mark important events such as the changing of the seasons, births, deaths, and marriages. Rituals often involve the use of symbols, music, dance, and other forms of expression.

· Divination: Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. It is often used in Druidry as a way to gain insight into one’s life or to connect with the spiritual world.

· Herbalism: Herbalism is the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal plants for therapeutic purposes. It is often used in Druidry as a way to promote health and well-being.

· Storytelling: Storytelling is an important part of Druidic tradition. It is used to pass down knowledge, wisdom, and cultural values from one generation to another.

Who are the Celts?

The Celts were a widespread group of tribes that originated in central Europe and shared a rich culture, which has been identified through burials, artifacts, and language 1. The Celts were the largest group of people to inhabit ancient Europe, with territory stretching from Spain to the Black Sea 1. The ancient Celts were never a single kingdom or an empire, but a collection of hundreds of tribal chiefdoms with a shared culture and distinctive language 1. The Celts were described as barbaric warriors by their enemies in battle, the Greeks and later the Romans 1. Celtic warriors often battled naked and were prized as mercenaries throughout the Mediterranean 1. The Celts had a complex society, as revealed by their ancient burial mounds 1. The Celts spread throughout western Europe, including Britain, Ireland, France, and Spain via migration 2. The word “Celtic” evokes traditional art, literature, and music from Ireland and Scotland to modern ears. However, the ancient Celts were a widespread group of people with origins in central Europe 1.

The Revival of Celtic Tribalism.

The Celtic Revival is a term used to describe a variety of movements and trends in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries that have seen a renewed interest in aspects of Celtic culture 2. The revival has been multifaceted, occurring across many fields and in various countries in Northwest Europe 2. The best-known incarnation of the revival is probably the Irish Literary Revival, which saw Irish writers such as William Butler Yeats, Lady Gregory, and Edward Plunkett (Lord Dunsany) stimulate a new appreciation of traditional Irish literature and poetry in the late 19th and early 20th century 2. The revival has also seen a renewed interest in aspects of Celtic art, including Insular art (the Early Medieval style of Ireland and Britain) 1. The revival has been seen as a reaction to modernization, particularly in Ireland, where the relationship between the archaic and the modern was antagonistic 2. At times, this romantic view of the past resulted in historically inaccurate portrayals, such as the promotion of noble savage stereotypes of the Irish people and Scottish Highlanders, as well as a racialized view that referred to the Irish as a separate race 2. A widespread and still visible result of the revival was the reintroduction of the High cross as the Celtic cross, which now forms a familiar part of monumental and funerary art over much of the Western world 2.

Ui Celtica seeks to reunite Tribal Celts. Find us on facebook.

1: Wikipedia : Learn Religions : OBOD

3: Wikipedia : BBC : Learn Religions



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