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Aloe Ferox crystals (Asphodelaceae) are a natural extract of the Aloe ferox leaves, and they are obtained by carefully washing the leaves, followed by filtration and concentration of the juice. They contain high level of Aloin (about 30-40% w/w); which is a bitter-tasting, yellow-brown coloured compound with laxative effects. Ingestion of Aloe Ferox can assist liver function and joint health, circulation and helps to lower cholesterol. Aloe Ferox can also be used in a variety of DIY skin care products, sun care products, shampoos and conditioners.

Aloe Ferox (Crystals)

50 Grams
  • Aid in digestion

    Promotes healthy liver function.

    Helps to create strong, healthy joints.

    Applied topically heals mouth sores and stimulates cell regeneration.

    When ingested it helps to lower cholesterol, and increases blood vessel generation improving circulation.

    A natural laxative.

    100% Natural

    Food Grade

    Contains vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B4, B12 and many essential amino acids

    Rich in glycosaminoglycans essential

    Contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, silicon, iron, lithium, and copper.

    High in essential enzymes







    Excellent for arthritis, constipation and skin ailments.

    Also, for worms and coccidiosis parasites.

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